Graeme Down
Principal Ecologist
M: 07704 094073
Graeme joined DAA in August 2019 having accumulated over ten years of experience with both small and large consultancies and in 2021 Graeme was promoted to Principal Ecologist.
Graeme has extensive experience in undertaking Habitats Regulations Assessments, for both plans and projects ranging from small developments to regional scale planning. In the field he specialises in ornithological surveys and has botanical expertise.
He has managed ecological aspects of projects ranging from small residential to large infrastructure projects, including working on the Thames Tideway project, and projects for clients such as National Grid.
Graeme has experience in working with a range of protected species.
- Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
- PhD in Crook Root of Watercress
- BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology
- Natural England Level 2 class license’s for Great Crested Newts and Bats