Toby Munn
Senior Field Ecologist
Toby joined DAA in April 2019 having accumulated 8 years of experience in ecology surveying and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) with both small and large projects across south-east England.
Before joining DAA, Toby was working freelance for us and a variety of large and small consultancies; it was only after his extensive ECoW role on behalf of DAA for the construction phase of the Richborough Connection Project (an ambitious scheme and first of its kind for over 30 years in the UK, involving the installation of 60 new pylons throughout 2018 between Canterbury and Sandwich, Kent) that we convinced him to join us on a permanent basis.
Toby has also been named as accredited agent on many mitigation and development licences across a wide species range and has experience with closing badger setts, translocations, design and building of reptile hibernacula and many surveying hours of protected species.
Toby is also responsible for keeping us up-to-date with survey equipment and technology, including leading on the company’s implementation and continuing use of the latest infra-red technology to aid our nocturnal bat surveys.
On 1st July 2022 Toby was promoted to Senior Field Ecologist.
Toby holds Natural England class licences for great crested newts, bats and beavers (CL51)