If you were to ask the man on the Clapham omnibus which tree sums up the British countryside and history, the answer must surely be ‘an English Oak’. This tree has featured in every part of our cultural heritage from pub signs to place names and, as is in this case, become synonymous with famous historical characters both real and fictitious. The Major Oak in Sherwood Forest is an inextricable part of the Robin Hood story for every schoolchild, a fact that has been recognised in this recent Woodland Trust Award.
Great Britain has the highest population of veteran trees in Europe, over 70% at the last count, and their importance both in the cultural and biological sense has recently become highlighted in the recognition given to them by organisations such as the Ancient Tree Forum
Effective management of these venerable trees is not straightforward and requires specialist knowledge which may be found at David Archer Associates; so if you are responsible for any ancient or veteran tree then contact us and ask to speak to David Archer where he will give you advice based on the latest research.